mardi 5 avril 2011

There are many factors necessary for a successful business like a proper infrastructure, investment and the most important is human resource. This is the necessary element of any kind of business either new or old. HR is the equity of every business but the upcoming technologies and the modernism is going to change the way of hiring and selection of the human resource. Human resource plays an important role without which you cannot run the business properly.

Getting done your business by some outer source is in common practice at present and is due to the online facility given by internet web for being its part. If some part of the business is done by some online source, it will reduce the cost dramatically without compromising the quality and turnover. Recruitment procedure adds high costs to the businesses. The hiring and the training of the individuals for a certain job make the recruitment process hectic and time consuming. It is a costly procedure that leads to the wastage of the production factors and time resource as well. At that time, company needs to find a cost effective solution instead of recruiting and training the new employees. One alternative could be to get the company’s original workers’ willingness for extended job timings and work. If the workers show their consent to the management, it would be profitable for the company in all aspects i.e. the cost minimization, quality building, and standard stability. What if the workers do not show willingness? The company has to find another solution.

Managed service providers are very inn now a day in every kind of businesses. Companies need to reduce their burden so they prefer to share some of their work with any other party, called managed service provider. Managed service provider can be in real or virtual form and it used to work with other companies to share their burdens and to get profits in return on monthly basics.

IT related problems and needs that are satisfied by the virtual service providers include the old data storage, maintaining the new data, their strong web presence by maintenance of web sites, building strong customer satisfaction features, logo designing and many more same kind of assistance services.

Managed services provider has taken a place of IT department in many companies, as they are providing all IT related consultancies and services in nominal monthly payments that are much lowest then hiring the IT staff in any company. So, most of the modern companies prefer to outsource some of their work to the third party to reduce the cost as well to save their precious time.

Managed service provider has some advantages that help him to replace the idea of hiring new employees with its services. It is the best solution to cope up with the limitations of cost, time and space that instead of opening a new IT department get IT service done by any service provider. This method can prove to be the cost efficient and helps the company in saving time. It is basically a replacement of an employee by a whole organized system with providing deep guidance in case of any query. Their survival needs the trust based relationship with their customer companies, in order to maintain that customer and retain those companies, they offer highly productive, reliable and time saving work output.

Some companies are reluctant in using the new virtual methods but mostly are switching to keep pace with the modern cost efficient and time saving techniques. With all the popularity that managed services provider have gained in a short period of time, it can be said that their future will make them approach the systems of those companies also, which are reluctant these days.

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